

My name is Louie Christie and I live in London.

This is a blog about my creative technology projects and associated rantings.

I’m a freelance app & website developer, tech geek for hire, coding coach, and underground comedian in my own head.

This blog was created around 2008, when I was a young, enthusiastic, gloriously naive graduate spending my time travelling, studying, and making creative projects in technology and media.

At that time I made this blog to document some of that heady period.

Then I ran out of money, got jobs, signed non-disclosure agreements, and this blog dried up.

Ten years later in 2018, I was made redundant from one of the 90%* of technology start-up companies that fail, and took the opportunity to blog, be free, freelance, and creative again.

I’m smart, talented, modest, and available for hire.

Feel free to get in touch if you like what you see…

Hand written Louie Christie Autograph

More about me at my homepage