
You Computer Geeks Are All The Same

‘You computer geeks are all the same’ my  girlfriend said. ‘You get really excited about things at the start, and then loose interest really quickly.’ I’d told her that you, Dear Alvin my coding coaching student, hadn’t completed your personal homepage website, and were now talking about another new thing, data science or something. ‘Mm, […]


The world of tech start-ups. A glorious shitshow.

London Tech Day is like London Tech Week, but shorter. Despite this it’s a pretty good day out. Billed as a day for start-up companies, the day to me represents everything that’s good and bad about the technology start-ups scene. A guy in a suit stood on stage and told us about his new company […]


Get rich slow & win at universal credit with tech

He is more likely to tell you your account pays ‘two parts of bugger-all’ than UK’s Money Saving Expert.[1] But Australia’s Barefoot Investor is a similar money guru, minus the shoes or tact. The UK’s Money Saving Expert on the other hand, pops up from time to time on the morning ITV telly couch, and […]


Choosing a software project

After buying my first flat (a London ‘flat’ is like a US apartment, but smaller, and more expensive) and frantically developing websites and apps for a failing (now failed) technology start-up company, I was made redundant. I suddenly had some free time to work on my own software project, buy some furniture, blog, and stop […]

Rantweb development

If you were to start React all over again what would you do? [NSFW]

If you were to start react all over again what would you do? This was a text sent to me by Alvin (not his real name) a software tester, wannabie junior software developer, who has studied the basics of coding including HTML, CSS and Javascript. If you don’t know what that sentence means, probably stop […]