A always thought this bit of video from Tony Robbins was good at illustrating time management.
The main takeaway from Robbins: time management is actually all about using emotion, focus on some goal in the future that will make you happy.
The rest of the video is delightfully cheesy 1980s, and Robbins at times looks like 80’s Christian Bale in American Psycho.
Warning ⚠️: Tony Robbins does not have all the answers, a lot of self-help is bollocks.
But I always thought Robbins’s time management stuff was good, and his investment advice.
Also on time management
I see the NHS are recommending the time matrix thing, as created by President Eisenhower and publicised in the book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - focus on the things that are not urgent but important - so that's not self help bollocks.
Time Management: And Now In 3D
My new take on time management - part art exhibit, part science project, part Ikea furniture with scribbles on.

Time Management Cube
- Louie Christie
(2018, Croydon*)
A Hessian cube box with post-it notes on it. A post-it note says win-win at the corner of 3 axis:
- good for me (not bad for me),
- good for others (not bad for others),
- good in the future (not bad in the future),
- good now (not bad now).
That's four dimensions?... I'm not sure how it breaks time and space.
Prior art influences also include: the Tal Ben-Shahar Positive Psychology course at Harvard University (which may or may not be freely available online.)
[*] Croydon - shithole and street art capital.